Wednesday, January 06, 2010


How do you know really? How do you know you're over someone?

First, you certainly don't call to tell them! That is a clear sign you're anything but over him. (Or her.) Telling you're over him is the last desperate act, where you're hoping he's gonna realize what he's about to loose, and say that he can't live without you. The thing is though, he probably never cared that much to begin with. So why make a fool of your self for nothing?

But what about that initial question? How do you know? I'd suggest that one clue is that you're finally deleting all those text messages you've been saving for ages. Messages you look at when you get a little drunk and emotional (the two go perfectly hand in hand), trying to keep the matter alive. One day though you hopefully see that those are moments gone by, and the action of pressing "Select all" + "Delete messages" might not be so hard to perform.

Another sign could be that you simply let him go, out of your mind. Let him carry on with his own business, and be thankful for what you once had.

But listen to me going on here, what do I know? Do you think my phone is empty? Or my mind for that matter? Well, there's a chance I finally did it...


Erica said...

Good for you!!!! :) It certainly is hard to let go. I'm keeping my fingers crossed you managed to take the leap of faith.... :)

Karin said...

Keep'em crossed, not sure I'm done jumping just yet... ;)

Karin said...
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Erica said...

Not a problem, it can take some time to go from realizing it needs to be done to actually doing it. I certainly have taken my time in the past; my 'hang on' item was a tape of music someone made for me, it held too many memories...but years later I did finally let it go (note it took 'years' ;) ).

Karin said...

I actually cleared half of the "Inbox" today...

Erica said...

Wow! It must have felt wonderful! Maybe not at first, but I'm sure it won't take long for you to notice how light you feel! :)

Toril said...

I'm proud of you!!

Karin said...

Thanks, and it does feel great!