Friday, January 22, 2010

It's Robbie Once More

Again time flew away, and I see it's been two weeks since last post. Not that it matters really, but I could have sworn I did that scribbling just the other day. On the other hand, too much has happened for that to be true. For starters, I've been rather busy with this job searching thing. Everybody need an income of some sort, and I'm no exception... Then I had quite an active weekend with dinners, music, dancing and nice conversations. I also watched a music DVD, something I usually don't. A friend of mine got Robbie Williams Live at Knebworth, and we watched the whole thing. And I must say - better entertainment is hard to get! That man has an incredible energy and charisma, and what he can deliver on stage is pretty amazing. I knew then I simply had to buy that DVD for myself. As things usually are connected, more or less obviously, I got quite excited when I received an invitation from someone suggesting a few days of recreation, meals and rest, while listening to Robbie Williams! An offer hard to resist (didn't even try!), and I booked the tickets as soon as I could. And today I placed an order for that DVD so we can be entertained by Mr. Bojangles on big screen. Did I mention that show is so inspiring? Being close to man with such presence and appeal. Can't wait...


Erica said...

Don't get me started!!! ;) Still have his pic as the background on my laptop - I know, I'm HOW old???!!! (In a recent meeting my supervisor asked who the man on my computer was - momentary flash of embarrasment!) But come on...the guy is fabulous! He certainly has 'it', whatever the 'it' factor spades actually! I bought the video of 'Feel' from the concert, I love watching just that song so I guess the DVD is next. I wish he would have a concert or two over here, hmmmm, on the other hand, I'd rather go to anywhere in Europe to watch his concert live! :)

Karin said...

Maybe we can set that as a goal? Make a real event out of it, and catch one of his concerts somewhere...