Monday, January 25, 2010

In The News

I just read an article on the dangers of heavy drinking....
Scared the shit out of me.
So that's it!
After today, no more reading.

Thanks to Toril, who mailed this one to me... :-)


Toril said...

Oh dear, see that mouse swilling the sauvignon blanc?? Needless to say, but that's me!!!

I just love the picture!! By the way dear, why are you sleeping?? Oh well, doesn't really matter - love that smile on you face!! Pure delightfulness ;)

We ought to enjoy a glass or three of some good vintage year one of these days....Have found a South African wine that is simply awesome! The only problem is the price...

Karin said...

I had very much the same problem when I got back from Australia; Jacob's Creek was more or less considered as plonk Down Under, and the ones we preferred were either too expensive or not in Vinmonopolet's list at all. But sometimes it's worth the extra money, must admit that. Just not now, have to wait a little. :)

What do you mean by "sleeping"? Maybe I'm sleeping now, 'cause I didn't understand that. Please wake me up!

Toril said...

Sleeping on the grapes behind the bottle ;) Otherwise Karin doesn't sleep!! Woudn't it be nice to spend a week or three living like these mice :))))) I'm ready!!

Karin said...

Feel so stupid now, my mind must have been elsewhere... I don't think I even saw that mouse (me) lying there! But no, I'm not sleeping, I'm simply re-charging for the next round!!!

Toril said...

Well, low and behold, after having read you latest posts I realize it isn't me hanging on to the straw to swill the tasty drops, it's you!! I'm the one sleeping as I'm always working too hard and forgetting to live life as it should be lived.... You, on the other hand, are always up to mischief, and I believe that's one of many important reasons I like you so much ;-)

Karin said...

There's no way of saying how a life "should be lived", is there? If there is one, it might be without regrets. And always remember there's a lesson in every hour of it.

And we also tend to see what we want to see, or what other people allow us to look into. A tiny fragment of reality. You and me know that we desire each others lives, if we could add it to the working parts of what we've already got, not exchange it all together. But that's starting to sound all too demanding; could we really have it all?