Saturday, February 13, 2010

Change Of Strategy

After a pan-pan call to my mother she said: "You're not at the University any longer, you can stop procrastinating now. No need to do things at the last minute." Reason for this comment was that I applied for a job via email on Thursday 4.11 PM, and 4.25 PM I got a reply saying All applications are now assessed and reviewed. Unfortunately we are not able to hire you at this point. "What the #%¤*!!! Rejected in less than 15 minutes!!!"

But I did what we're taught to do - I called them to ask for an explanation. Just for my own benefit and future reference. If there was anything wrong with the application, or if I should have done it differently? Or maybe I just lacked something important? Anyways, I called her, and she reassured me that it was nothing wrong. They had simply found the right people already!

My lesson here is that I was not experienced enough, and maybe a bit naive, when I thought a last application date meant that I actually had until that day to apply! In this case there was no good reason for not sending that application, when I first saw the add a couple of weeks ago. But lesson learned, and the add that popped up this morning will be replied to before the end of the day! It basically has my name written on it, and I'll make sure I've done everything in my power to present me at my best.

But first I need to get me some of that gorgeous sun outside. A quick walk will do me good. :)


Erica said...

I need to learn that lesson as well, however another way to look at it; maybe leaving it to the last minute worked in your favour. That wasn't the job meant for you, so now that one is out of the way, you'll apply for one 'that has your name written all over it' early and get it.... sometimes fate is working in the background to help guide us in the right direction - you never know! ;)

Karin said...

Let's hope you're right! It's certainly the way I like to think myself.