Friday, February 26, 2010


So now I've got this erratic idea that rearranging my furniture might be a beneficial thing to do. Like that would change anything really?

I'm walking in circles, looking for signs (or anything), that'll tell me where I should go from here. Stay put? Out of the city - closer to the ocean, and my dear Cindy? North? East? South? They say home is where your heart is, but my heart is a little scattered so that won't work. Maybe I'll have to figure out where the largest piece is first?

I like the flat itself, but somehow it doesn't feel that right. It's been so many things now that I'm really getting tired of it all. First the water leakage, then the power failure. Which probably was connected to the first issue, but still annoying. Now the other day the neighbor came down and wondered if he could have a look upstairs in my office, which is directly above his kitchen. They had water running down their walls, and he suspected it might be coming from my pipes. It didn't, but it added to my frustration anyhow. It's an old building, and when things starting to happen it usually escalates pretty quickly.

Then we have the paper thin walls. They're not thin actually, they're thick concrete walls. But not solid, and hollow concrete walls are not a bit soundproof. One day I did hear not only the neighbor talking on the phone, but I could even discern the caller on the other end of the line! I have to get out of here...

Moving the furniture around does sound a little desperate, don't you think? I can think of at least ten things to do here that would be more productive. Not now though - time for "bed". (That's another story, to depressing to tell now.) Good night!

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