Growing Younger
What a weekend! Been on my feet from Thursday to Sunday; first rigging up the stand with benches and everything the first day, then the actual fair the other three. Too much happened to account for it all, but there were some funny things worth mentioning. My dear friend Hannah was in Bergen for a few days, and I stayed with her at her sisters place the night from Saturday to Sunday. Her sister has just turned 50 (the reason for Hannah to be here in the first place), and she's away with her family on a Caribbean Cruise. I wouldn't mind that myself considering the snow and cold we have now, but an evening with a missed friend might in some ways be preferred. We talked all night, and she showed me this cute String Doll Gang key-ring she'd bought for her self. Her kids got one each as well. She'd bought them from a stand quite close to ours, and I decided to go there the day after. For 50 Nok I'd get me an "always positive and helpful String Doll with a special power".
During the night though I had a dream about the fair, and that particular stand. They were packing it up a little too early, but I walked over anyhow to see if I could find that special one for me. (There are over a 100 dolls to choose from...) The guy said to me I couldn't buy any - they were all prizes. In the dream I wasn't told for what, I just accepted it and left the stand in disappointment.
The next day I kept looking over to them and felt a little angry. Like they'd actually told me I couldn't get one. But as it turned out that seemed to be getting true, 'cause I hadn't any money as I thought I would. The money we'd earned wasn't going to be handed out that day after all, we'd get our share later. Then, almost half an hour before closing time they started to pack! Just like my dream! I figured I at least had to get a closer look at these dolls, even if I wasn't going to buy one, so when all the visitors had left at six I walked over.
The dolls were just as charming as I imagined, and I started to chat with the woman behind the table. I explained my financial situation and asked her if they had online shopping, and that she confirmed. For some reason I also told her about the dream, and I think she appreciated the story. She laughed a little and continued the packing with her partner. Then she suddenly came back and said: "Why don't you just pick one for free? Make it your prize."
Here he is:Keyth - opens up doors that were previously locked.
I also met a lot of people I haven't seen for many years, and one was a next door neighbor from way back. She gave me an awesome compliment: "Wow! You actually look younger than you did 20 years ago!" Of course no one would mistake me for a 25-year old, but I'm guessing what lacked in my eyes back then really made me look old. No sparkle, no enthusiasm. I was truly unhappy then. I wouldn't say I'm "happy" now either, but I replaced much of the sadness with more constructive feelings. And even when things are going against me now, I'm still me. And I won't let anyone take that away from me without a fight.
What a wonderful experience! :) We LOVE the string dolls! I'll have to order some the next time I have room on my credit card.... don't know when exactly, but now that you've provided the link it doesn't matter.
It's amazing what an unhappy situation does to us. Maybe it's not all being 'unhappy', maybe it's a combination of things. We're no longer being ourselves, just struggling to push ourselves down, hide somewhere deep inside so we can survive another day. Very sad we allow it to happen, what is it in women that causes us to think this is the right thing to do? I haven't figured that one out yet....maybe some day.
But back to the good stuff, great to hear about your weekend! :)
That's right, focus on the good stuff! Although that is pretty hard at times... For now I truly wish I was a bear. Hibernate through this terrible winter in the comfort of my personal cave. Then one day, as the sun starts to warm up the earth and the snow melts away, I'll take a few steps outside, knowing the spring is just 'round the corner.
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