For the moment I'm feeling great, as I usually do when I think I had a breakthrough of some kind. It might sound as a controversy, but to me life seems to be just as simple as it is difficult sometimes. I think a few people might agree that I have a tendency to analyze everything perhaps just a tad too much. But then again it's my way of dealing with life. And there is most definite a reward in it, 'cause once in a while I get this almost euphoric feeling when hard thinking results in a glorious insight. I can then learn from my experience, put the worries behind me and hopefully, even better, help someone else. Sometimes a metaphor or an analogy may be a good way to understand people, be it yourself or someone else.
Yesterday I spoke with my father, as I often do - he is an infinite source of wisdom, and I told him about what was going on. There's someone in my life that I need to relate to, someone who's not always that easy to discuss with, and he has always had problems in seeing things from another perspective than his own. My father said it reminded him of a crosswordpuzzle he was doing. Usually he never fills in any blanks before he's sure he knows the word, but for some reason he did anyway. This was just a twoletterword, but it made all the difference. The thing is that it took him so long to figure it out! He had almost completed the whole thing and it just didn't add up. When he finally realized his mistake he could solve the puzzle.
And this is just how you should approach life itself, in my opinion. Even though you might find an answer that fits, there might be another one that is as equally correct. Each on their own. But only when you see the whole puzzle you know which one to choose.
For a real crossword try this place.