Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Just for laughs

A rich and lonely widow one day decided she would get a new husband. She wrote a personal ad which read: "Rich widow seeks man to share her life and fortune with. Following requirements must be fulfilled:
1) You are not violent.
2) You are not going to leave me.
3) You are amazing in bed."
Both the telephone and doorbell kept ringing insanely for months and she recieved tonnes of mail, but no one met the widows standards. One day someone called at the house and she found a man without arms and legs lying by the front door.
"Hi", he said. "Your search is over, I'm the man you've always dreamed about. I have no arms, so I can't hit you, and I have no legs, so I can't walk away from you either."
"And what makes you think you're the worlds greatest lover?", replied the widow.
"Well, I knocked on your door, didn't I?"

Sunday, August 28, 2005

And here we go again

The new term has hit me with full force, just like a late summer storm. All I can do is to keep the ship floating and hope for the wind to settle, so I can catch my breath again. It could have been lot easier though if only I had got my apartment sooner, instead of having to do this move in the middle of lectures on Freud and reading A Brief History of the Future. Excellent book by the way, I've read novels that are less entertaining than this one. But I'm quite sure the rest of the syllabus not necessarily will be that easy...

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Espresso dreams

I've made my choice. And which test did I rely on? The norwegian site, or did the swedish one make more sense? Neither, sort of. I chose a red one.

(If you don't know what I'm talking about I suggest you read the previous post.)

Choosing bright colours almost seems like a pattern recently, and will make an excellent topic for an upcoming blogpost. My starsign is Taurus, and I'm seeing red...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Who should you trust?

In this case it's not a matter of life and death, but perhaps as just as close. It's a matter of choosing the right espresso machine. I did the same thing a couple of years ago, but as I thought I needed an ordinary coffe machine as well I then settled for a kind of combothing. To my disappointment neither of it's functions were satisfactory enough. The coffebrewer is too slow and the espresso runs through too quickly. Well, actually the espresso isn't too bad, but it's not good enough to justify the space it takes on my counter. You see, it's really ugly as well. Damned ugly. I think I prefer something more stylish.

Which leads me up to my recent idea of what to spend my money on. As with everything I intend to purchase I try to do a lot of research, reading through magazines and browsing the web for tests and reviews. With enough gathered information, I'll then try to come to a reasonable conclusion. Of course economics is a major factor, and is also somewhat to blame for the last mistake. This time though, I think I'll spend a few pennies more.

So what could be more natural than consulting the Norwegian Coffee Association? Or as I'm swedish; The Swedish National Coffee Association? Quite interesting, but you should think that they got testresults that at least looked familiar. But no, no at all. The swedish site states a specific machine as their "winner" and another as producing really bad tasting espresso with weak crema. To my surprise it seems like the norwegian testpanel came up with almost opposite results. How confusing!

Who should I trust? I think I'll rather stick to my gut feeling, 'cause thats where the coffee will end anyway.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Another "poem"

There was a silver bullet
with a name we didn’t know
It was destined to cure a heartache
and the demand began to grow

All the lovers in the country
was there to let it show
how much they all were hurting
But oh, how could they know?

That the bullet would turn the lovers
not to life, but ice and snow
They hoped it would stop their crying
and they all just wanted to know

“Why did he leave me?”
“Why did she go?”
“I should be the target!”
How little did they know...

That the little silver bullet
was really aiming low
and it wouldn’t find its goal
without a quid pro quo

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Have you ever wondered

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Goodbye Worry Wrinkle

I don't think I'm the only one who looked in the mirror only to meet a dull, frowning face. You know, with that distinctive wrinkle between the eyes that clearly indicates that you're been a bit too tense for too long. One common solution to that, at least if you can afford it, is Botox. (An injection of toxin that temporarily paralyzes the muscle that causes the wrinkle.) After some time you'll have to do it all over again. Inject yourself with poison for the sake of beauty.

Besides that worry wrinkle I don't have that many lines (yet!), and the only treatment I've tried so far is a helpless massage performed with my own hands. Still, I really hated that frown, I looked so angry! But the solution was as simple as obvious, it actually lies in its name. Worry. The only key is that almost as a bieffect the wrinkle will diminish when you set target on your inner worries and anxiety, rather than your looks. I wouldn't claim myself to be looking ten years younger or anything like that, but I can actually feel that the tension is gone and the worry wrinkle along with it. So it's a classic win-win situation: Feel good - Look good (well, at least not so bad anyway)

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Crossword Approach

For the moment I'm feeling great, as I usually do when I think I had a breakthrough of some kind. It might sound as a controversy, but to me life seems to be just as simple as it is difficult sometimes. I think a few people might agree that I have a tendency to analyze everything perhaps just a tad too much. But then again it's my way of dealing with life. And there is most definite a reward in it, 'cause once in a while I get this almost euphoric feeling when hard thinking results in a glorious insight. I can then learn from my experience, put the worries behind me and hopefully, even better, help someone else. Sometimes a metaphor or an analogy may be a good way to understand people, be it yourself or someone else.
Yesterday I spoke with my father, as I often do - he is an infinite source of wisdom, and I told him about what was going on. There's someone in my life that I need to relate to, someone who's not always that easy to discuss with, and he has always had problems in seeing things from another perspective than his own. My father said it reminded him of a crosswordpuzzle he was doing. Usually he never fills in any blanks before he's sure he knows the word, but for some reason he did anyway. This was just a twoletterword, but it made all the difference. The thing is that it took him so long to figure it out! He had almost completed the whole thing and it just didn't add up. When he finally realized his mistake he could solve the puzzle.
And this is just how you should approach life itself, in my opinion. Even though you might find an answer that fits, there might be another one that is as equally correct. Each on their own. But only when you see the whole puzzle you know which one to choose.

For a real crossword try this place.