Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Write Or Not Write?

I was just about to start this post with the sentence "I'm sitting here trying to write the analysis about Whom the Telling Changed...", but that would have been a lie. I'm not even trying. The only thing I'm doing, is doing nothing. Waiting for time to pass so I can get really stressed and anxious. Best motivator there is.

I realize this isn't the best strategy, and at some point I really have to change the way I work. Or rather not work. But as I'm writing a post anyway to loosen up my thoughts and fingers, why not at least try to relate it to my assignment?

Whom the Telling Changed
is a piece of Interactive Fiction created by Aaron A. Reed, and it's written in Inform 6.3. Curious as I am, and also needy of substantial information I visited Inform's homepage. There's now a Inform 7 which I have just downloaded, but the question is - what on earth am I going to do with it? I would love to try it out, but when? And I also think a course would be helpful. And fun. But I strongly suspect there aren't that many on this side of the pond. Maybe Jill knows something.

Do I really need any more toys that I don't have time to play with? (Read in the paper the other day that Norwegian kids have like 500 toys in their rooms, now that's absolutely insane!) Or maybe this is the tool I've been searching for? The the perfect medium for exploring and expressing myself? Very well could be, considering what they say on their site:

With a small number of exceptions, though, the most important works of interactive fiction have never been "published" in the sense of being issued for sale by a for-profit company. [...] For the most part, IF has not been commercially valuable since about 1988.
That would be so typical me, finding something really fun and interesting, and not getting any money out of it...


Anonymous said...

Maybe that's what making you such a thorough humanist, my friend :) Curious, inquisitive, creative, critical, opinionated (in the positive way), and enthusiastic about the things you like - even if it's non-profitable for your bank account!! Don't worry about it, your mind is full of interesting currency - money is just money. True enough, it is nice to be comfortable, but to have too much of it is likely to change your personality as it has done with so many other weak human beings!! And to tell you the truth; I'd probably be as weak as all the others, so I prefer the currency of knowledge to the currency of money, and I may quite possibly remain normal!!

I recommend you follow your heart and mind, because your heart is warm and friendly, and a treasure to all your friends while your mind is one of the most intelligent ones I have ever met - so keep up your no-money-profit inquisitiveness!!!!

Writing coming along????

Anonymous said...

By the way, check out the word of the day (actually yesterday) - vapid - I love it!!!

It may well be one of the reasons you don't just sit down and write vapid nonsense. You scrutinize the topic before you write, and I believe that may be one of the reasons you always do so well at exams - your writing is never vapid!!

Keep smiling, and if not for the Christmas season - smile for friends and family, and the very fact that the semester is coming to an end :)

Karin said...

Brilliant word - vapid, I'm glad you pointed it out, missed it yesterday. Think I'll have to work that one into my vocabulary somehow.

Writing? What's that?

(I'm still blushing, do you think I can handle this encomium?)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely, you can handle this and future encomiums!! He, he, love the word, even had to look it up in :)

You are a remarkable writer, and I advice you think simple instead of difficult. You see, this is a 200-level paper, and you don't have to include the entire intellectual world in it, even though it would be nice, and I know you would absolutely love to. I suspect you are probably still at this very moment contemplating how to do it with vast amounts of conscientious aspiration!!! Have an wonderful and efficient day!!

Karin said...

I probably shouldn't say this, but my problems now are on a completely different level...

And it will be simple, I can assure you of that. It's not because I choose to make it simple, but there won't be time for anything else.

Have a wonderful day, you too. I think I'll be coming down tomorrow, see you then.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to see your happy face :) as you're vastly missed around here!! Let me know when you plan to saddle your radiant horse (as in igniting your horsepowers) and I'll have the coffee brewing for you when you are at the premises ;)

Karin said...

I need to have a looong day writing tomorrow, hopefully I'll be there in time to get a parking space, and you know how early that is.

Anonymous said...

Indeed ;)