Saturday, December 02, 2006

I'm Not Lonely

I have a friend here. Golden brown, and smells like a horse. But yet sweet and with a full body. He inspires me and keeps me company while I'm hammering away on the keyboard...


Anonymous said...

Good girl - just keep swilling as it may give you the inspiration and motivation that you're longing for ;)

Karin said...

I need to finish without him, as it seems. Wasn't much left, nothing but empty promises. Now there's only a little of a spicy Italian left...

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, Sambuca is wonderful - and I do have some very fond memories swilling that - althoug in small quantities, so the memories weren't hallucinated after an intoxication, but simply from having a lovely after dinner drink with special friends ;)

Hope your paper is coming along with flying colors!

Karin said...

I found an article I could use, at least. Not brilliant, but who cares at this point? I might even finish in time...

See you tomorrow! ;)