Saturday, August 25, 2007

Behind The Scene

It might look like I haven't been writing anything for days, but just because there's nothing visible on the blog it doesn't mean I haven't been productive! This week I have been working on at least three different drafts, although I'm not sure I'll ever finish and publish any of them. The one I started on Wednesday for example really got me "going" inspired as I was after Stuart Moulthrop's talk. Moulthrop is something of a guru within his field of electronic literature and hypertext fiction, and that lecture indeed gave me something to chew on. Lots of stuff for my paper, hopefully.

I say hopefully, cause the last thing I was told when I asked at the office for the "missing" schedule, was that "Sorry, there's been a mistake. That course isn't on this semester after all." Sorry, my ass. That's simply not good enough, and that's what I'm going to tell them. Politely, of course. But still, they can't treat us like that, and then expect us to follow every whim. In fact they have told us clearly that what's in the "Student portal" is to be considered as valid at all times.

Otherwise it has been a strange week. Personally I feel better than I have done for long time, more calm and grounded, so that's good. But I certainly need it, having some issues here in the home to attend to. I'm sure glad I still remember how it was to be a teenager, if not I think I'd go mad...

There's also another thing I've been neglecting for a while now and that's my friends web page, he has on the other hand been kind of absent too, so I don't think he'll complain. But I wasn't happy with the result when I first published the page, so I really wanted to do something about it. I haven't yet done anything about the layout, but I have found a better way of creating the image gallery. Instead of using Photoshop's automatic features, I have now downloaded a imagewiever which I have customized, and it's sooo much easier to update. Now I can replace only the images when needed/wanted, and just run the PHP script again. Clever girl, right? I'm not pretending I actually know what I'm doing, but if it works it works...

I have finally got my new PC to run smoothly, the viruses are gone, and I have my Photoshop and other important programs working. And the next thing then on the list is to install the wireless router I bought the other day, so both me and my precious teenage daughter can be online at the same time.

Better start thinking about getting to bed soon. My other two kids are coming for dinner tomorrow, and even if I'm just cooking up something as simple as a spaghetti it's still nice to put some time and engagement in it. I guess that's one thing I really miss - a large kitchen table where everyone is welcome. But I'll get that too, one day. No doubt.


Toril said...

I hope you had a wonderful dinner together with your family!! The blog post gave me inspiration as well, and in spite of a slight hangover I also managed to make spagetti for dinner :) Even made desert, and surprised even myself....

Karin said...

Dinner was fine, and it's so good to have the kids around. Thomas brought a friend as well, which I think is very nice. Just the way I want it actually, a home to where my children can come whenever they want, and bring friends too. Too bad Kristina couldn't make it, maybe next time? And I see you for lunch soon, I hope!

Toril said...

I used to have a house full of kids at all times, feeding them all as they needed to be fed - I never left anyone waiting and freezing outside the front door as I find that utterly stupid and ignorant!!!! I still love having my kids' friends around, but as you know they both live far away, so it's only possible when they are visiting....

Kristina will come around for dinner next time, I'm sure :) She is just always worried that she can't eat the food since she is allergic to gluten, and most foods contain gluten - unfortunately!!

We'll cetch up soon, my friend. I have a job interview today at 14.30, which I need to get prepared for - b o r i n g, but necessary!!!

Karin said...

You know, I don't think cooking for Kristina would be any problem. Linn and Anne are much better off with gluten-free as well. Is spelt OK with her, or does it have to be completely without gluten?

How was your interview, by the way?

Toril said...

I knew it wouldn't be a problem for you, Karin, but she thought it would be... also it is only good manners to let the cook know if there are any type of allergies she should know of :) She needs a hundred percent gluten-free :(

My interview was great, the nicest I've had so far. Already got a job today, but I'm thinking.... as it isn't what I really wanted, but I do need some experience, so what to do???

Definitely need lunch with you my dear friend, is Thursday a good day??

Karin said...

As far as I know now, Thursday will be perfect. Moliére? Or should we try something else perhaps?

Toril said...

Actually I believe Moliére will be perfect as I believe I need to enjoy a delicious glass of my favorite Moliére wine :) I need to sit and think and talk for awhile - kind of rest and recreation for my aching brain!! And I believe a glass of Amarone will be just perfect!! Naturally, seeing your pleasant and happy face will also help remarkably ;)

Karin said...

Moliére it is then. Noonish? And I do agree, a glass (or two) of Amarone will be absolutely wonderful. Why eat at all? ;)

Toril said...

The only reason for food is the complete enjoyment of food and wine :) Besides, the quiche at Moliére is absolutely delicious!!! Nevermind the deserts! They are astounding ;)

I also keep telling myself to buy some of their homemade chocolates. Inger went back to get some after our lovely lunch visit, and she insists they were the best chocolates she has ever eaten... how about that??? It's time to try! Besides, I love wine and chocolate combined - it's delicious, have you tried???

Karin said...

'Course we have to eat, just kidding you know... Let's go for the whole deal, with chocolates and all! :) Really look forward to it!

Toril said...

Yeehaa, me too - food, wine, and chocolates it is!!!! We should meet at noon, and eat and drink for a few hours :) Do you think Synnøve would want to join us?

Anonymous said...

Have a nice lunch ladies and enjoy your food, wine, chocolate and each others company.
Toril; Real men don't eat quiche. :)(It's no problem being a charming woman and a real man at the same time - it's a compliment)
Karin; Don't stop writing and don't change. Ever.

Karin said...

Toril: yes, ask Synnøve! Good idea.

Liberté: and I actually thought of making a quiche for you if you'd come over here for dinner&movie, but since you're a REAL MAN maybe I have to whip up something else? :) :) :)

Toril said...

Liberté, real men do eat quiche!! If you don't, you simply don't know what you're missing!

Karin, make him a quiche, and not something else!!!! I believe he just hasn't had a really good quiche before! The kind that simply melts in your mouth :) and do make sure to serve some divine wine with it as it enhances the experience ;)