Thursday, August 09, 2007

Boy Meets Girl...

...they spend a few magical days and fall in love, then summer ends and with it the adventure. Or so they think, "Summer dreams ripped at the seams, bu-ut oh, those su-ummer nights...." until they meet again... Then follows mistrust, misunderstandings and poor communication. Who are they? What do they want? Can it work? In the end though everything turn out just fine for our heroes and they sing "you're the one that I want, o,o, oo, honey..."

This is the basic plot for Grease as you probably guessed already. It's one of the classics, and also one of the favorites. At least to my daughter that is, and we watched it yesterday when there was nothing on TV. When you see it, it's actually so simple and stupid that it's almost ridiculous. But there is something that yet makes this film so great. (Besides Travolta and his dimple.) I guess it must be the music. So the sure way to pure happiness in life must be a personal soundtrack then!

When we watched this one we talked about other movies we wanted to add to our library, and it took me about 3 minutes to order Rocky Horror Picture Show from, and it'll hopfully arrive next week. There too the music is vital to its success, 'cause even that film is kinda silly when you think about it. Like life in general. So maybe the clue to making a blockbuster is a stupidly "lifelike" storyline and a catchy tune or two?

"Remember forever, as shoowop, shoowally, wally, yippity, boom-de-boom
Chang-chang, changadee-chang-chibop, that's the way it should be, wahoo,yeah"

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