Tuesday, August 07, 2007

A Little Bit Sorry...

Last post didn't exactly come out the way I planned, not that I really did plan anything. I just realized it wasn't as "philosophical" as I wanted it to be, guess I was a little bit too agitated for that. Sorry for that, maybe I'll explore the issue a little more on another occasion? Or what do you say, Toril, now that you're back?


Toril said...

Oh Boy, have a lot to say about this issue!!!!!!!!! I'll get back to it soon! I'm thinking (reflecting)....

By the way: Fabulous post - don't erase it!! So many issues in it that I want to discuss further ;)

Karin said...

I knew I could count on you! And I agree; there are a lot of issues here that deserves a little attention. In such a sophisticated and philosophical manner only a we can do... No, just kidding, I think we can invite a few more that "meet our standards" to that discussion. He, he