Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Is Coming - And Fast!

It's 9 pm and I haven't started packing yet. Probably a very good idea to do that considering I'm planning to be on that first train in the morning. I'll spend Christmas with my family in Sweden, something I really look forward to. Nice to wrap up such a turbulent year in comfortable surroundings.

Christmas really did come fast this year; it's like the earlier and the more intense the shops are sending out their message about Christmas, the less interested I get, and the more distant Christmas actually seems. But it does come, every year. I haven't bought a single gift so far. Nope, that was not all true. My daughter got hers in advance since she won't be in Sweden with me - and she also needed that coat for her Christmas party last Saturday. And I have also bought one more gift - but I'm not even sure if I'll get the chance to give it away. But it has a name tag on it...

I wonder if Santa's bringing me what I want for Christmas? Probably not, since I don't believe in him - never had actually. Sounds a bit sad doesn't it? A child who doesn't believe in Santa Claus?

But maybe I'll get what I wish for if I believe in myself and my own miracles instead? That sounds like a good start!

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