Tuesday, March 25, 2008

All My Dirty Secrets

To be honest I had no intentions of writing here today, but as it is I just needed to loosen up my fingers. Haven't been writing as much as I'd hoped during the holidays, except for a few cheeky text messages...

Will it change anything, will anyone think less of me if I admit I haven't done what I said I would? I feel I have this huge secret that will somehow blow right up into my face one day. Than I'll stand there stripped to the bone, without having accomplished anything at all. This I'm not telling you in order for you to contradict me, I'm not searching for flattery. I just need to say it out loud so I can hear for myself how ridiculous it sounds, 'cause deep down I think I know the truth. I'll be the same even if I "fail".

All in all it only fits so perfectly into my usual way of doing things. Backwards, counter currant, and rarely how you'd expect. Or maybe that's just how I see it, maybe I'm totally predictable? If so, could you please tell me what's next?

OK, I guess this'll have to do for finger gymnastics, as far blog writing goes anyway, and on to the task of deciphering the hacker spirit. If there is one. But at least there are some very important traits of the hacker mind that I could absolutely relate to.

The hacker mistrusts authority and judges others by their skills and "not by bogus criteria such as degrees, age, race, or position." Just my kind of thinking. You get my respect if you deserve it, disregarding what you are. I rather care about who you are. Of course sometimes there's a connection between those two, but that's another issue. Further, and maybe the most important aspect, is that the hacker urge for freedom; freedom in information and that "...anything which might teach you something about the way the world works – should be unlimited and total." Although many hackers, if not most, show little interest in politics, their thinking seem to remind that of a libertarian. I'd go with that.

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