Thursday, March 06, 2008

Something's Cooking

Should I just take it back what I said yesterday? You see, I "asked" for something very simple just before i got to bed: "Please, let me at least have a fun dream tonight!". And I got it.

I know there was a lot going on in this dream (and maybe even things not suitable for public display, I can't recall all the details...), but the fun thing was I also dreamed about celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, and that we were having lunch while discussing cooking. Recipes on salad dressings, and whether Greek yogurt or sour cream was the best option for main ingredient. I felt rather confident in this dream and perfectly at level with Jamie himself. His wife was there too and I think I had an idea for them coming to Norway and open up a guest house or something like that.

In real life I have no intention (nor need) of competing with the professional chefs, but I do miss cooking for the people I care about. Having the time, energy and opportunity to do it. That's a simple thing to ask for, isn't it?

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