Monday, March 31, 2008

A Suitcase Full Of Goodies...

... is what I'll bring with me, when I fly home tomorrow. A little something for everyone. My eldest daughter wanted some perfume, and although my son didn't ask for anything I know 10 cans of Swedish Snus (snuff) will be appreciated. (The poor soldier boy is short of money.) The youngest will get some sweets and instant cappuccino powder, but there'll still be one or two more things for me. And maybe even for someone else... Lamb sausage from the neighbor's farm, and from the shops - feta cheese filled olives, some Swedish cheese and a smoked leg of lamb. Booze and cigarettes. Sounds good? Ya da, ya da...

Don't know if I mentioned why I'm here in Sweden, but it's all due to the celebration of a 80's birthday. My mother decided to throw a surprise party for her partner, and boy was he surprised! After he was tricked into the premises where the party was going to be held, and after we'd sung the birthday song for him, someone standing next to me whispered: "When do you think he started to get the picture?" I laughed: "Well, look at him - I'm not sure he's got it yet!" The party was wonderful, nice food and nice drinks. And nice people of course.

Talking about nice people, the funniest thing happened on the way down here. First there's a 7 hour train ride to Oslo, a 30 minute wait, and then another 4 hours to Gothenburg. On that first distance the passengers usually are Norwegians, so the sound of a fellow Swedish really cuts through. Not that I cared that much, and he was sitting quite far away from me, but I presumed he was going to be on the next train as well. When the train arrived we were 15 minutes late so I ran as I quickly as I could, only stopping briefly to pick up a bottle of soda. I'd already found my seat and made my self comfortable when that Swedish guy appeared. Not only was he on the same train, and in the same coach - his seat was just right opposite mine! I'll make the story short here, but just say the reading and writing I was going to do never happened. You see, the funny thing wasn't that he was Swedish, I'm not that desperate to talk to other people. But as it turned out, we'd been going to the same school! He's two years older than me, and we have lots of people we know in common. And that's really funny, 'cause we didn't know each other. He knew them because he grew up in their neighborhood, and I knew them 'cause I started to hang with them as a teenager. Nice four hours.

Then on Saturday me and my father had to run an errand, he had something he needed to return to a store and was glad I was there to drive him. We entered the shop, and as the man my father was supposed to talk to was occupied, we were directed to some free coffee by another woman there. She looked at me intently, and said: "I'll just have to ask you - you really look like someone I went to school with. Karin? Isn't that right?" Of course it was; I wasn't a bit surprised, thinking of events of the previous day. Two in two days! And I've visited my "home country" several times a year for twenty years without that ever happen. So strange, and also it sort of gave me a rush. Cheap intoxication.

Oops, my mother's here to see how I'm doing. "Are you working, or having fun?" she asks, knowing what I should be doing. "I'm blogging", I answer her. But as fun as it is, I need to finish this; we're off to the town for a little concert. Then back here for some packing, a good nights sleep and then I'll be heading for the airport. Train down here is nice, I like the long trip, but when going home again I usually get a little impatient, and then flying is great. So, see you soon, amigos!


Erica said...

A little enlightenment for me...I've always known snuff was called snus - didn't know it was a Swedish term! My grandpa always chewed snuff, I can still hear the screen door slam after he leaned over the backstep railing to spit!!! Your blog also filled me in on why we always had smoked leg of lamb at Christmas time - didn't know that was a Swedish thing either. No one else ever had it and since the taste is beyond belief I could never understand why.

It's wonderful you're having all the special experiences! Maybe just taking the time to notice and appreciate them? Or maybe you're ready to experience them so the opportunity is provided? Either way it's nice to have it happen and have all those new connections!

Karin said...

It was a lovely weekend, filled with many extraordinary things, so landing here today with papers to write and "important" things to do was a little hard. But I guess the break was a good thing anyway, 'cause I don't feel panicky yet (as I should?...).

If you want read up on snus Wikipedia is good source. As usual.