Wednesday, March 05, 2008

One Down - A Few More To Go

So - as of today I'm officially no longer a member of the board of the basketball club. It has actually been rewarding in many ways, but I simply don't have the energy to continue being the treasurer for them. We were four people who "signed off" tonight and we all got a very nice bouquet of tulips, but I'm pretty sure I was the only one thinking what I did...

Anyhow, when I left, one of the remaining members said to me: "Thank you for this time, and it has been good working with you!" Wow, that was a nice compliment, didn't think I made a difference. But it's probably a good idea for me starting to see what others apparently see, my self esteem could for sure be a little higher.


Erica said...

Common problem it seems...we underestimate our own worth. I wonder where that comes from exactly; if you ever figure it out, let me know! You could become very wealthy with that little bit of insight!!!!!

Karin said...

Wealth, now that would be something, wouldn't it? Then I'ld tell the State Educational Loan Fund to go and do something very nasty to themselves...