Sunday, July 06, 2008

Repeating Success

Since we had such a good time last year, despite the car breaking down, we decided to do it again, and on Monday me and my father are leaving for Germany. But I might have to sedate him with some Gammel Dansk, in order to keep him from nagging about my driving habits. Apparently he consider it's vital to keep both hands on the wheel at all times, at exactly 10-2 position. Can't see why he's so bothered with me steering with my knees, holding the mobile in one hand and a beer in the other?

I really look forward to take the ferry to Fredrikshavn and drive across Jutland this time, and I expect some pleasant scenery and a stop or two for coffee and Kæmpe Kondi, my all time favorite popsicle. And with my dad having bought a new car I also think we'll arrive safely at Ellen's later in the evening without having any technical hickups.

By for now, and I'll be back in a few days. :)


Toril said...

Enjoy your journey my friend :) every day is another lesson in life - a few ups and lots of downs!! By the way, could you please have one of those icecreams for me too? I think you already know that I love icecream!!

Karin said...

Back again! The trip was quite fun, and it also gave me a lot to write about. Which I will do in the next few days...

Posting the stuff may not be done so quickly though, as I'll be staying in my brothers flat, and he has no internet. Well, my other brother is connected, so I can just go over to his place. They're both away for holidays now, and left me with the choice of staying at either a larger place, closer to the city, or a smaller one a little further away, but hooked up to the web. Think I'll commute...

Besides, the larger place also has a garden, and if the weather permits I'll stay in the hammock, reading books and drinking beer (when not being social), and then I don't want/need the net...