Saturday, July 05, 2008

So I Guess I'm No Real Princess After All.

Remember the old fairy tale about The Princess and the Pea? The one about the young girl who claims to be Royal, and is proven so by the ability to feel a pea through twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds. On another occasion I wrote a post about my sore back which I illustrated with that princess on her twenty mattresses and so, although that particular incident had more to do with the absence of any soft bedding. I also thought I've been whining about the bed here at my mum's, but I might have refrained from that, not wanting to hurt her feeling if she were to read about it. But now as she's taken care of the business (long overdue...), I can happily announce that my nights here have improved.

That old, thin, VERY uncomfortable foam mattress has been replaced with a much nicer one, and for the first time I slept like a baby, if not as a princess.

PS. My mother has actually been aware of the situation all the time, but just couldn't figure out which solution would be the best - new mattress, which kind, or maybe a whole new bed? And I always said too: "I'll manage". Typical me, by the way. And something I'd like to move past - just managing, I mean.

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