Friday, July 11, 2008

Wieder Zu Hause...

Back from Germany, with a lot of good writing material, and cheap beer. I'll be staying closer to town for the next week or so, as my brothers lent me their flats while away on holiday. The first choice has no internet connection though, so for blogging and checking e-mail and such I'll have to "run" over to the other one.

In a way this could be where the real "relax-mode" kicks in, and I look forward to do what ever I want. I can even have guests, there's an extra bedroom. Wanna hop on the next train? I can show you the wonders of Gothenburg, if I remember myself where they are, that is. Or we can explore new ones.


Erica said...

Sounds wonderful, I would certainly like to take a bit of a vacation and tour Gothenburg. It would take a bit more than a train ride, but I would gladly suffer the long airplane trip!!! :)

Karin said...

You're welcome! And if not this year, maybe next?

Erica said...

Sounds like a plan to me! I must admit my heart skips a beat everytime I think I will be making such a big move! It's exciting and scarey to be taking such a leap of faith - I think both of us will be happy with the change! :) It's going to be one heck of an adjustment but one well worth making!

Toril said...

You should stay there for awhile as I believe I'll be heading for Sweden in August to sail and explore your famous west coast..... can't wait :)