Saturday, August 16, 2008

Still Shining!

I'm not sure who had the brightest smile today, the Sun or me, but I think even without the Sangria (which I probably couldn't have handled anyway on top of the beer and cognac...) it was as good as it could be. Thank you for that, my prince. You certainly know how to keep a girl happy.

And here's another one of my new wild friends from Sweden - the frog's lucky "cousin":


Erica said...

Very cute little guy!!! Didn't know these lizards even existed! Sometimes I feel like I've lived a VERY sheltered life! Does our friend dislike these guys too??? They're all so cute! I know, probably gross if you have any kind of aversion to them. ;)

Karin said...

Won't be surprised if she does... ;)

But personally I adore them; I find most creatures on earth fascinating in one way or the other. Although many of them can make me a little anxious if I don't know where they are. Like the Redbacks, Huntsmans and White-tails we had in our house in Australia!

Erica said...

EWWWWWWW! I have a bit of a problem with spiders - that and moths of all things. I find it pretty weird and frustrating because I know I have no reason to be grossed out - but I am! And some of them are quite pretty. Oh well, we all have our 'problem species' I suppose! ;)

Karin said...

We sure do!

From my own experience I've learned that the best way to deal with fears is to educate myself as well as I can about the object. Know your enemy, as they say. That can be applied to more than creepy crawlies I suppose.