Monday, August 11, 2008

The End Of Summer?

I'm back again after a long vacation and I'm a little uncertain about what to write, and where to start. Usually I find it challenging to try to transform personal experiences into more easily digested narratives, but this time I’m a little hesitant. So if there’s anything you want to know, you better ask me.

Now another term is here, and I have only one more course to take. This means I'll be studying at 50 % pace, and I'll have to try to get a part-time job as well. Kind of scary, but as this summer has left me so much stronger and more confident I'll manage that too. As everything else I have to deal with. Don’t want to sound too smug here, but after listening to some good advice from people who know me well, I think I finally have learned to not give a damn. Just a little anyway…

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