Monday, November 16, 2009

Batteries Recharged

You'd think I was going away for a much longer stay then a weekend, if you'd caught a glimpse of me and my suitcase last Friday, and I almost shouted Siempre Lista! as I entered the hotel lobby. What I did forget though was the chargers for my phones. At the time I saw it as a sign that keeping connected to the outside world shouldn't be main priority this weekend, so I simply turned them both off. Sunday afternoon between sightseeing and dinner I turned them on just to see if anyone had been trying to reach me. 4 messages - "You said you at least would keep the phone on.", "You have to answer NOW!" and two Voicemail. There was a smaller catastrophe going on at home, as my daughter had been without electricity for the whole day!

"Home" in this case is Bergen, and even if I hadn't been spending the weekend at a hotel I'd still be 800 km away from her! Should be someone closer to her that really could help her out, and there is, but her first thought was to call me. I must say that warms my heart.

I'm back now at my mom's, and feel fine. All batteries are fully recharged, mine as well. The suitcase was also refilled before departure, and with me I have whisky, wine, Christmas gifts and fond memories.

And now I should play a certain Robbie Williams-song...


Erica said...

It is nice knowing you're the 'go-to' person when all hell breaks loose! No one will do except Mom - and really, that's not such a bad thing. :) We are appreciated after all!

Sounds like the weekend went well. Good to hear! Nothing like some rest(?) and relaxation to get you on your feet again!! And a few other things perhaps.... ;) I've been anxiously awaiting your commentary on the past 2 days' activities. Gee, I think I need to get a life so I'm not living vicariously through someone else!

I've never heard of Robbie Williams, had to Google him. Well, I could certainly get preoccupied with watching his videos!!! Love the tattoos, I guess I like the bad boys (or at least the ones that look that way)! Very nice indeed! Oh, I like his music too. ;)

Erica said...

His voice reminds me of Jon Bon Jovi. Since I'm not familiar with his music - which song are you referring too?

Karin said...

It sure was a memorable weekend, and it's amazing how different my own town seemed just by acting like a tourist in it! Saw places I'd never seen before, and I imagine I even looked like a foreigner. At least I carried a different look on my face... ;)

Robbie Williams sure has it, no doubt about that. And he's versatile too! Started out as singer/dancer in the boyband Take That, and went solo in the mid 90's I think. He's a huge fan of big band music in general (who isn't...), and Frank Sinatra especially, and in 2001 he recorded a fantastic album called "Swing When You're Winning" - love it. Apart from that there are many favorite songs like (in no particular order): "Feel", "She's The One", "Angels", "Supreme", "Better Man", "If It's Hurting You", and more.

I can't tell you here which that special one is (and it could be one I haven't mentioned at all...), as I'd feel a little too exposed if I did. ;) And giving hints wouldn't work either, since you wouldn't be the only one "clever" enough to figure it out. So that would be stupid.

I can post a comment over at your place. :)

Toril said...

Sounds like a fabulous weekend, and you certainly deserved it!!! A tourist in your own city is very weird - I have tried it myself, and it's almost like being in a strange city at the same time as you feel something isn't right....

I'm thinking about writing a blogpost, but I'm still in the thinking process, you know all about that one :)

Karin said...

Looking forward to read a new post from you, Toril! And thinking is a good thing, when it's thinking about how to write, rather than about whether to write at all...