Sunday, November 01, 2009


Back in Sweden again, but this time it's more relaxed. My mother is doing much better now, and we can focus on nicer things. Like this weekend it was the annual crafts fair, which my mother have been participating in for a number of years. Lots of people and a lots of nice things on display and for sale. I bought a heart for myself. Good to know you can buy one when needed. Maybe I should give it away?

Otherwise I'm so excited I can hardly sit still! In two weeks time I'm getting a very special guest here, and this is actually a first for me. The very first time, since I moved away from here 23 years ago, that someone is visiting me on home ground. So special... There are innumerable places to go to, and even more things to do, but I don't want to make a plan or schedule. I think we'll just make them up as we go along. No stress, just quality time, for me and my VSOP(-e).

Then only a couple of days after that I'm going to Scotland as I mentioned the other day. Well, I said I wanted to go visiting Hannah in Edinburgh, but it wasn't sure. Now it is though, and I so look forward to it. Lots of things to be happy about, right? And don't I deserve it...


Erica said...

What wonderful news!!!! :) You definitely deserve some special time for yourself and to have that combined with special friends - it just doesn't get any better! :0)

Enjoy every moment! ....and the anticipation! ;)

Karin said...

Thanks! I'm almost delirious even now, just imagine how I'll be by next Friday... I know that often when your expectations are high you might end up feeling disappointed. But I'm sure it won't happen in this case. Especially since we're not planning anything; it's all about the moment... :)