Thursday, November 05, 2009

Daily Dos(z)e Of Knowledge

Today I'm going to the University here to listen to an open lecture about the most recent research regarding Stonehenge - The Stonehenge Riverside Project. Very interesting indeed, just too bad I don't have company. Might be something for you, Toril? Or maybe you'll join me in December for "a lecture with a title that is rediculously long, and for which you also need to be somewhat sober to read out loud..."


Erica said...

I got lost in Stonhenge....what a wonderful website! One place I've always wanted to visit! It's still on my to-do list. I would love to go and pursue studies concerning Stonhenge, King Arthur and in particular Merlin and the druids - some day.... :) It must have been a fabulous lecture! I envy you!!! I'm turning green just thinking about it! ;)

Erica said...

PS. I love your countdown :)

Karin said...

The lecture was very good indeed, and I felt kind of privileged, since it actually was their very first public presentation.

It was rather funny because they didn't expect such enormous interest. I did though, and arrived early to get a good seat, but was surprised to see that they had planned to use a smaller room with seating for no more than a 100. I sat down, but soon people started to pour in, resulting in a change of venue to The Main Assembly Hall. Much to my delight; because not only was it a very interesting hour about Stonehenge, but I also got to see this fantastic hall. A 100 years old, but just recently carefully restored, with its fresco murals. Had no idea we had such a beautiful university building...

Yes, very cool countdown. And dead easy - copy&paste, and some minor alterations to suit your needs. Although I could have left "Christmas" 'cause it sure feels like it... ;)

Liberetè ;-) said...

No - you're wrong. You don't have to be sober to read the title out loud. Tested it and successfully completed. :-))

Enjoy, and take care of yourself.


Karin said...

Me? Wrong? What an insult... ;) But I guess there has to be a first for everything. ;)

Hugs for you too, my friend. And maybe even a real one before the end of the year!

Erica said...

I still find it amazing what hidden gems there are around University campuses. So many things we might never see if we didn't show up at a lecture or some special event. It looks like a beautiful building! I don't think I've had the pleasure of seeing a fresco mural of any kind - live and in person that is. It would be an experience I would love to have.... Maybe they will bring the presentation here one day, wait, no, I'd prefer to see it somewhere over there! ;)

Toril said...

Now, that's a lecture I would love to attend! Perfect for someone with a master degree in social networks :) When I first look at the title I read krumkaker, but is saved by the communication collision word following it! Please let me know how it turned out.

Stonehenge is very interesting, but until I've acutally visited in person I'm saved from the epiphany, but I'm open for educational and informative input at any time, dear ;) and preferably over a large glass of amarone!

Karin said...

Now I'm not sure I'll be in Gothenburgh on that date, so we might have to keep a lecture of our own on the subject. :) "Krumkake"... that's a good one...