Thursday, February 16, 2006

All Things Must Come To An End?

Maybe it's not the end, but I think I need a break at least. So nighty-night little blog, sweet dreams. See you then...


Anonymous said...

Karin, the only thing that is constant in life is change, but I don't believe that all things must come to an end!! I hope things are good in Norway, and that the sun is shining like it is here :)

Last day of vacation, and lots of things we want to do before the day is over. I'll tell you all about it when I come home. By the way, this country is is absolutely a MUST as far as vacations are concerned, but I think I've actually mentioned that before. Nevermind, you have lived here so you know...

Take care, and keep smiling!!

Karin said...

The sun is shining here today, even if I'm not. Can't win them all.

See you when you get home, then!