Tuesday, February 28, 2006

No Syntax Errors

I have just discovered something really satisfying. This spring I'm trying to get the grasp of Java, and it is fun. Basically it's like learning any other language, and it's equally as important here not to be shy. Just dive in, and make a fool of yourself, it won't kill you. Imagine yourself trying to learn french, and after only a few lessons be sent into a shop to buy 2 litres of milk and a bread, only to end up with yesterdays newspaper and a football in your hands. Does it really matter? It's just something to laugh about later.

In this Java-course they are taking advantage of an interactive learning environment called BlueJ, and it's here I found my new little thrill. Programming code written in high level language, needs to be compiled into low level language machine code so the computer knows how to execute the program. If compiling in BlueJ is successful it will tell you:

file saved - no syntax errors

Rewarding, I must say, but as usual I had to reflect a little over it. As computer programming could resemble using any other language, and language is what makes us people human, I couldn't resist a thought. Why don't we have a compiler, a program that takes our high level thinking and translates it to something that can be put into action by our mindless bodymachines? And more important: warn us when it doesn't make sense? I think we all, from time to time, could have use for something that prevented us from behaving erroneously .


Anonymous said...

Without erroneous behavior humans would be very boring and "out of the box" thinking wouldn't be possible. Hence creative advances wouldn't occur.

Karin said...

Now that's true, I just meant it as an analogy in that respect I just wish sometimes I could be stopped from doing the same mistakes over and over again. It wasn't all too serious (as it never is), and I think we'll leave it there. But you're right, creative thinking is the good result of not having a controlprogram.