Thursday, February 09, 2006


As I'm supposed to be writing an essay right this moment (due tomorrow) and I can't seem to find a good entrypoint, I thought I'd rather post a few words here. Just to start things up, so to speak. And what could be more innocent than just happily show off my most recent gadget?

On and off, I think I've been a Gadget Girl for all my life. Nowadays I try to be more sensible, and really think it through before I buy anything, but the feeling now is the same, as when I got my first Nintendo Game&Watch back in 1981. Gadgets are toys for people who claim that are not playing.

I like words in general and some even more, "gadget" being one of them. So I thought I would look up what Wikipedia had to say about the subject, and I found that the top example of a gadget is a Mp3-player! Can you now guess what I bought?
This probably just shows how predictable I am, more than anything, but yes, I am now the extatic owner of an Creative Zen Micro. And yes I know, late as well. I know people have been using Mp3-players for a long time, I just thought I didn't need one. A walkman would do just fine for me, or a MD-player. I've tried that too.

But just imagine bringing your whole CD-collection (or a large chunk of it, anyway) with you, whereever you go. Usually I'm too tired to enjoy any music when I get home, this way I can listen to my favourites outdoors, crisscrossing the City of Bergen.

While I was doing more "important" stuff on the computer, I ripped about a thousand songs and transferred them to the player in no time. Nifty! Tom Waits, Barbara Morrison, Nicolas Repac, Van Morrison, Jan Garbarek, and all that Jazz...

Here's another Gadget Girl with things on her mind.

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