Monday, February 13, 2006

Fakin' It?

I read about the Postsecret art project the other day, and started to do a little pondering, about which secret of mine would be the hardest to admit to. There are a few, but maybe it's time to come clean:

I'm an imposter.

Almost everyday I have this feeling that someone will reveal my true nature, and catch me as The Great Pretender I am. First of all, I try to speak and write in languages that not are mine. I am a traitor to my roots. Then I try to act intelligent and educated, and I even pretend to be nice and caring. How rude!

But this is probably just my poor self-esteem talking, and my sometimes desperate need for confirmation. The identity issue, you know. 'Cause I think real imposters most likely are completely devoid of any guilt regarding deceiving honest people.


Anonymous said...

Karin, as always I absolutely adore your posts, and this one in particular for varous reasons. I assume I don't need to explain why??

The need for confirmation is essential to all of us, but I don't think you should worry about that too much. Your friends love you for what you are, and I tell you what; you have a great deal more personality than most of us will ever inhabit, or even dream about inhabiting. You are intelligent and intellectual, you are genuine, kind, helpful, and alive! In addition you are an amazing mother, and I'm sure you're a fantastic daughter and sister as well, not to mention partner!! You are honest and real, and you certainly wouldn't deceive honest and kind people. In fact, I know you wouldn't even consider it!!!

The Great Pretender is everywhere and all around us, and as a concequence we need to be careful and indeed suspicious! If not we end up hurt, sometimes even devastated, because they can hurt you in ways we simply consider unthinkable. They go beyond evil in everything they say and do, and in all their actions.

So don't worry, my friend!!! Keep smiling, and above all - be yourself, Karin :o)

LOL from ME

Karin said...

Wow, I'm blushing...
With friends like you, I should never need to worry.

Anonymous said...

However, the great pretender is watching :)

Karin said...

Not much to watch here, is it? But then again, we can't all be winners in life...

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... the lyrics of the song portray yourself as the "Great Pretender". A happy and productive life is realised through your own perspective of how it's going for you. Loss of someone close to you does not have to be thought of in a bad perspective. (The cup is either half full or half empty) You have a lot to offer this planet and it is your choice to decide who you want to do it with. More often that not your first choice turns out to be the right one. If not there is always room for change!?