Friday, September 07, 2007

Alzheimer Light?

When reading through the post from last night, I see that I somewhere on the way almost forgot the point. Not totally, but there was a very important aspect missing, and I feel that needs to be paid some attention.

You see, my friend asked me if I could help her out a little with that talk. Just listen to her, and read through the text with "fresh eyes". Possible inconsistencies are sometimes hard to see when your too close to your own work, and reading from a different angle I might be able to find them. (Which make me think, perhaps I should have a critic and a proof-reader...) Anyway, the plan was only to meet for a coffee and a "quick" look through the text, and then I'd go meet my youngest daughter at the bank by 4 pm, and then home. But the discussions around the subject was so immensely interesting, and we got so caught up that "time stopped". So after setting up that youth-account for my daughter, me and my friend sat down at a small Chinese restaurant, had dinner and talked, and then opened up her laptop to start work again.

And what happened yesterday is a good example of how spending time in the present, in a positive environment, and "think lovely wonderful thoughts" will "lift you up in the air". Metaphorically speaking, of course, three glasses of wine doesn't make me that dizzy. But the point is that before we met, we both were a little worried and troubled in our minds. She was naturally anxious about the talk, and was also quite fed up with whole thing, having spent long hours working on it. I have had a couple of lousy weeks, doubting most things, and perhaps myself the most.

We sat at the restaurant for about 5 hours, but it could have been 5 seconds or 5 years. When we finally entered the street again, it was like stepping into another world, and I felt JOY. Just for being, not dependent on any outer factors.

And that was the point.

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