Monday, September 10, 2007

Healing Hands

Earlier this summer Princess Märtha "came out of the closet" and said she believed in angels, talked to them for help and guidance, and that she now was starting a school so others could learn to do the same. The word around the community of people, who for long have been healers and believers of alternative methods of therapy, was that "Finally! Maybe this at last can be accepted as serious?". With someone as highly profiled and important as our Princess (even with the rest of her family supporting her), saying she was open and even very much involved in spirituality, it would make easier also for the "common man" to continue their work without getting ridiculed. And of course that more people would follow the ideas.

Well, my reasons for attending a course to learn the Angelos Method has nothing to do with Märtha's opinions. In fact, my first reaction was that now I didn't want to tell anyone was I was doing, like my interest in healing somehow was spurred on by a desire of somehow connect to the Royals? (You might have guessed that I'm not much in favor of monarchy, and sometimes I even think I'm maybe an anarchist, without adjectives, in the line of Voltairine de Cleyre? But that's a totally different issue...) But after this weekend I don't really care what people think of my "strange" activities, and any reasons I might have doing them. But just to set the record straight, I've been leaning towards this long before Märtha spoke out...

The point is; I'm still the skeptical, still the one wanting proof for any supernatural phenomena, and always having a critical voice within me asking "Is this possible?". But I've come to the conclusion for now, that it totally doesn't matter if angels are "real" or not, it doesn't matter if it's just placebo effect when you get better after a healing treatment, and it doesn't matter whether seeing someone's aura could be explained with the laws of physics. It doesn't matter at all, 'cause that's not important. For what's important are the results.

First; if it works, it works - why ask for explanations? I've also understood something else this weekend: When you truly understand the whole concept there's no need or desire to impose it on others, it'll spread naturally. But don't you agree - could there really be any harm in all people letting go of hostility, stop placing guilt and learning to take responsibility for their own feelings and actions? And (yeah, I know, it might sound sloppy...), live in love, peace and harmony?

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