Thursday, April 03, 2008

Back To Old Habits - By Order From Higher Authority

Had a few minutes to spare yesterday before lecture, and decided to pay my friend Toril a quick visit. She finished her master's at UiB a year ago and is now working at the same institution, so after giving her a hug I asked her to talk to me like I was one of her students. "So, where do you wanna go?" she said. Oh, that's right; she's a coordinator for international relations. "Paradise" I answered. We had a laugh, but she also understood my real problem. How on earth am I going to get this done? She's been with me for long enough to know me and my habits, and sharply pointed out that my "best" work usually is done late at night, so why change that now? Now, when I really need to be productive? I guess time will come soon enough when I’ll have to fit into the regular 9 to 5, and that won’t be a problem, but trying to ignore my body’s signals at this moment probably isn’t the smartest. For a long time now I’ve had this idea that I should wake up early, head down to the university, and then work like crazy until late afternoon. Like normal people. But I’ve been a nocturnal creature for too long now to change that overnight (!), better off doing that when I’m not under pressure. As it is now I only get stressed when I "fail" every morning, and that sort of sets the day.

So, that’s one thing I can deal with myself, but what about circumstances which are out of my control? I can only hope for no nasty surprises the next few month, and that everyone around me is behaving the best. Sorry, that wasn’t nice at all, almost rude I’d say. I can’t expect people to take any extra considerations just because I’m in the midst of a stressful time. Just pray with me that I'll stay sane enough to carry this one through.

Every night for the past two months or so I've had a visitor. I can't see him, but I hear him, and he must have been trying to tell me something. I'm no expert but my guess is that it's a Strix aluco, and if I join him I'll be a night owl too. For now that is. When summer's here I'll once again go outside with a cup coffee, long before everyone else is up. Listen to the other early birds and enjoy the first warming rays of sunlight in serenity.


Toril said...

Well, wasn't this a nice surprise - I'm yet again mentioned in a blogpost, and you may not believe me, but I almost feel like a celebrity!!

I do hope my advice works out to your advantage my dear. I've seen you struggle with the clock and normal timeschedules for a very long time - so it's definitely worth an effort!! You better come back to my office and give me an update!! I ask my students to give me feedbacks all the time, and I believe it's the only way I can proffesionalize my job, and make my students happier and above all satisfied with the academic advice and guidance that I'm supposed to give them :)

It sure feels good to be part of the blogworld again - as always I'd love to write another blogpost, but seem to be too busy all the time... Send me some of your newly acquired energy, please ;)

Karin said...

Well, you're sadly mistaken. There's no energy to pass on; it went down the drain yesterday, and I'm a bloody idiot. Living in a world of illusions isn't something one can do for long, and when reality hits you it's brutal.

Toril said...

Karin, I forgot to say that I absolutely adore your nightly visitor Strix aluco - he's simply deliciously cool, and I would love to have a friend like that, so what can I say - I'm jealous!!!!

However, where can I find him? Does he fly around in this neck of the woods? Did I tell you I had a night owl parked on my balcony one night? He was just sitting there looking at me, even after I walked outside - he/she wasn't scared at all!!! I was nearly euphoric with exitement and awe!!! What an impressive and gorgeous bird!!! I wonder if he/she was trying to tell me something....

Toril said...

Life has its up and down, and there is only one thing you can be absolutely certaing about, and that is; when you're enjoying life to the fullest there is ALWAYS something nasty lurking around the corner!! Don't ask me why, but that's the way it is - living in the human world.

The only advice I can give you is to store up large proportions of optimisms and joy while on an up, and use it excessively when you're on a down!! Am I making you confused?? Life is simply a rollercoaster, and we just have to do the best we can until the rollercoaster stops. Can I entice you with a date and a delicious glass of wine at Moliere after work some time next week? In the meantime try to stay happy and write when you can :)

Karin said...

Delicious wine sounds good...

Karin said...

And I guess you're right about the roller coaster; life's certainly both ups and downs, but to be honest - don't you agree I'd deserve a little less downs right now? Or am I just being sulky?

Toril said...

You may be sulky, Karin, however you've had more than your share of unhappiness, and I certainly understand your sorrow!! I suppose you should concentrate on different issues in life, and not get stuck in the wrong sphere - if you know what I mean?? But who am I to talk, I know how you feel, and too much of it is simply overwhelming and depressing!! Try to think about pleasant and happy issues instead, like good wine and food!!

Karin said...

I think I know what you mean, but I feel it's a little more complex than that. Talk to you next week.