Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Long Way From Home...

...whatever that is. But yes, if you by home mean the place you're born, then I'm a long way away from it. Then again, looking on a map makes it evident that it's not that far, not like I was living on the other side of the world, or something. But to be able to go home to mom for a cup of coffee and a hug whenever i feel the urge for it; well, yes, that's definitely too far away.

During these 22 years since I moved away, we've been seeing each other quite regularly anyway. We went there once or twice a year, and my mom visited us just as often. We've always had the space for guests, so that wasn't any problem, but things change. The way I've been living for the past years doesn't make it easy to accommodate people for a long time, and besides, the incredibly cheap train ticket has made it possible for me to go "home" more often instead.

Yesterday though, I woke up and really wished my mom could be with us. We're going through some rough patches here, and just to have her around would be so comforting. (Both as a mom and a grandmother.) The wish was so strong I almost grabbed the phone and called to ask her. I didn't though.

But sincere and intense wishes from the bottom of your heart actually can come true, 'cause guess who's coming next week...


Toril said...

Lovely - it's called telepathy :)

You certainly could use the company and the break from an unusually hectic and complicated life ;)

Karin said...

And I do look forward to it, she's the best mom ever!