Sunday, April 27, 2008

Long Hours - Late Nights

Wonder if this has been just a waste of time browsing through nearly 2000 news headlines, trying to figure out whether they're referring to hacking or hackers as malignant or not? I hope not, since that is what I've been doing this weekend. Tedious work, but in a screwed way also very relaxing. I don't have to "produce" anything while doing that kind of research.

I handed in the draft on Wednesday, and got feedback the following day, where my supervisor so accurately pointed out that it was a "nice beginning", with emphasis on the latter... I totally agree, what can you expect when you start as late as I do? Anyway, she wanted me to add a little to it before Monday (tomorrow that is), so we'd have something to discuss next time we meet. It's late Sunday now and I think I'll give it a rest. This just simply has to do, and tomorrow I'll celebrate my birthday in style. First by watching my son and the inspection of the Guards in honor of the German Minister of Defense, and after that some wine and a nibble at Molière. My mom's still here, and I think she'll appreciate the place. She'll probably also appreciate a "day off" from waiting up on me. I'm just kidding a little, but she's absolutely fantastic, looking after me and my mind while I'm trying to work. Bless her.


Toril said...

Happy Birthday my dear Friend!!!

You were a refreshing fresh breath of inspiration and joy today - and I suspect your dear mother to be a main reason!!! She was lovely, and I'm very pleased to have finally met her :)

I hope you're enjoying your new cognac glasses with a delicious avec As you know, birthdays are to be celebrated ;)

Talk to you soon!!!

Toril said...

Karin, check out the word of the day:


1. Cheerful; merry; gay; light-hearted.
2. Causing joy or pleasure; agreeable; pleasant.

Perfect for YOU today!!! Surely it cannot be a coincidence ;) - simply meant to be!

Karin said...

Well, thank you so very much, my dear friend. I couldn't have wished for a better 40 something birthday.

Regarding the Word of the Day: thanks, and today I even feel like it could be somewhat true. (You also know I don't believe that much in coincidences either.) Try to stick to that feeling, whatever happens.

And the cognac is very nice indeed...