Saturday, April 11, 2009

Good Friday

Sorry, I think I promised you stories; and I really had the best intentions of telling about one or two things that happened while I was in Sweden. But now I can't seem to find a suitable angle, at least not in this forum.

Another thing is that I don't have the urge to write for the moment at all. I'm more in a down-to-earth phase I guess, busy with completing my practice for the Angelos method. That is going quite well by the way, and I truly feel blessed to be working with this. Next week will be the last in Bergen before "graduation" since I'm going away again the week after. If everything works out as planned I'll have hordes coming to see me in Trondheim, and then a few already known "coming back for more" in Sweden.

Nah, this didn't work, just as I thought. Not much spark in this writing, I can see that. But I can tell this much - I'm really beginning to see me now, the Karin I should be. Doing things out of her own will, and not trying to please others all the time. Free.


Anonymous said...

Jag vet inte vad du gjorde men häxkonsterna var fantastiska

Nästan så man vill ha mer


Karin said...

He, he. De hade säkert bränt mig för 400 år sen...

Jag kommer till Sverige igen vecka 18, men jag bommade lite på nästa kurshelg så det blir bara 2 dagar där.

Hör av mig. Om jag vågar. ;) Kanske jag blir jagad av översteprästen...