Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Honey, I'm Home!

Dinner's cookin' on the stove, and the table is set. Apart from the missing hair rolls I'm the perfect image of a housewife. But I guess it's like riding a bike, and old habits are hard to get rid of anyway. I'm like a fish to water here, even if it's only for a short week of pretend play.

But I'm also working. I had three clients today, and another two tomorrow. Practically done, so to speak. Which means there will be plenty of time for sightseeing in this beautiful town. And perhaps a trip down to the jazz café on Saturday.

Haven't done much thinking lately, guess I've been too immersed in the flow. Now I sit here with my whisky and try to be creative with my writing. Hard, since the previous mentioned thinking is absent. The frustration too. You see, that's a killer combo for creativeness. A hard thinking frustrated mind. But knowing myself, I'll probably reach a peak in mid May which could result in some glorious scribblings. Then my course will be finished, and I have to deal with the rest of my life. Job? Master thesis? Where should I live? Bergen? Sweden? My kids. My parents. Student loans and decaying teeth.

And will they ever understand?


Toril said...

To make your decision easier, YOU simply can't leave Bergen!! The very thought is completely and utterly sad!!

Karin said...

Thank you, my friend. And I know, it's kinda hard to imagine I'd actually leave Bergen. Too many "things" keeping me there. But it's also like my mom used to tell me: just go, nothing has to be forever, and you can always come back.

Guess I'll go where I'm needed the most. Good times to have a split personality - I can be all over the place, and all at the same time!

See you soon, and hang in there! Remember you're the center of your world... :)

(I'm continuing my housewife masquerade today, and I'm making Lasagna to put in the freezer.)

Toril said...

Karin, when it comes to the housewife masquerade you and I must be simply identical twins!! I've tried to shelf it on numerous occasions, but it only lasts for a day or two.... I wish I had the guts to ignore this itch, simply go for a walk or read a book instead - impossible!!!

Maybe there is a course we can take somewhere? However, you and I would probably end up on a cooking course instead, and simply get worse!!

Karin said...

Probably right, dearie. We're lost cases, beyond any help. On the other hand - there should be some people who could appreciate it?

Meanwhile I'll be sitting here on my own with a glass of red in my hand, watching the news...

Toril said...

Well, join the club!! However, you should not be on your own at this time a day!!!! I think people appreciate what we do, but for what reason??? I'm suspicious about that.... It quickly becomes a habititual lifestyle for the others and a chore (or curse) for us!

Karin said...

Remember, for this special occasion I'm just doing a kind of guest performance, under some rather special conditions. Normal working hours does not apply...

I think one reason why "the others" so quickly get accustomed to the service, is that the work done (cooking, cleaning, and so on) are tasks that need to be done anyway. But as with any kind of work, the amount of heart put into it can vary. And that's what I believe is so easy to forget.

We all probably need a reminder from time to time how life would be without the things we take for granted.