Saturday, April 18, 2009

It Runs In The Family

It seems like my daughter inherited the appreciation and aptitude for crazy projects. Right now she's sitting on the kitchen floor with massive amounts of orange fabric which is sewn together like a giant jumpsuit. Fitted with a hood with ears, and from the back there will be a long tail hanging down. The belly is light yellow. To finish it off and really make it distinct she's adding black stripes. You get the picture now? Yes, its Tigger!

But what you probably are wondering is why? The answer to that is the crazy part. (If not putting the whole thing together is...) It's for her boyfriend, and he'll be wearing it out on the town tonight. For no other reason than to see how people will react. Now, can you picture that? A big, strong man, tall as a lamppost, dressed up like a toon. If not, I wouldn't be surprised if you can watch it on YouTube in the morning.

There's a pic at my mobile blog now...


Erica said...

Please send me the link to the video!!! :) Crazy projects are always fun, especially the reactions you get from the 'normal' people out there! ;)

Toril said...

There will be fun in town tonight ;) I like people who dare to be different from the average Tom, Dick and Harry!!

Karin said...

And of course I had to help her. Not that she wouldn't have made it on her own, but things like these always takes a lot more time than you think! So we're both painting stripes now...

Erica said...

Isn't it amazing how much fun a crazy idea can be???!! And how easily we can all get sucked into it! :)

Karin said...

So true... ;) And now I need a drink!

Karin said...

There'e a pic at my mobile blog now...

Erica said...

Absolutely fabulous! She went all out on this one!!! ;)

By the way, what's a 'mobile blog'?

Karin said...

Yes she did! They're wonderfully creative both my daughters,and I'm very proud of them.

Mobile blogging - I can send pictures from my cell phone straight to my blog! I keep a separate blog for this purpose but I could set up my ordinary blog for this as well if I wanted to. I'm not sure how it works with other brands than Sony Ericsson, but they actually have a inbuilt function for blogging...

Have a look at your Dashboard - there's a button for setting up mobile posting.