Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I've completed the required 40 client sessions, and plus! The Nike strategy proved to be working. From the moment I decided to go through with it, I concentrated as much as I could on "just doing it", tried not to be worked up about how little time I had, or how on earth I should reach out to any clients to start with. Quite difficult to market yourself actually. I'm so glad I had a manager who did a splendid job while I was in Trondheim last week. So much easier for him to tell others how fantastic I am.

Due to my head being elsewhere I made a mistake regarding the last course weekend, which left me only 2 days in Sweden. These have been very well spent so far, and I'm heading back for Bergen tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully I'll find enough peace on the train for some writing, 'cause I do have a message or two I'd like to express in a not too obvious way. Me advertising it perhaps wasn't such a good idea. Antennas out, I guess! Ah well, we'll see. I might change my mind anyway.

Santa Claus is coming to town! :)


Toril said...

Sounds like you've been having the time of your life, and above all that you've found something that really inspires and motivates you!! I'm so happy for you, and can't wait to catch up next week, and have some much deserved wine, cheese and lots of gossip ;)

Have fun on your course - I know you'll love it!!

Erica said...

Wonderful, here you are! Toril was kind enough to forward your new info! :)

Karin said...

I'm glad you "followed" me; you know, it was just the one crazy bitch I didn't want around here any longer... And you Toril - I'll see you very soon.

Erica said...

OK, so how did you know she was around? I'm so blog ignorant - was she leaving comments?

Karin said...

Thanks to Statcounter. It's not that I can know for sure who's in or not, but I can see the IP-address. And I doubt that I have a random reader from The Isle of Man...

Erica said...

Ah yes....I would agree highly unlikely on that one! Statistically speaking the odds would be 1 in well, at least, 1,000,000! ;) OK, research on the brain, I'll admit it! :)