Sunday, April 26, 2009

(Shopping) Spree

As mentioned Saturday wouldn't involve any obligations, and accordingly we did just as we pleased the whole day. (Not that much different from the other days, but there were distinctively less mail and job related calls coming in...) Lazy morning, lazy breakfast and then off to town by bus. Stepped off at the Cathedral , where the Mustang Club had a meeting. There must have been at least 50 old and new cars, but all meticulously cleaned and polished. A nice burgundy 67's cabriolet perhaps? Or a newer model painted in a cool blue metallic?

We paid the Cathedral a visit too, which was a first for me. I doubt anyone could enter that building without being touched somehow, and I'm no exception. There are a lot in there to be impressed by, like beautiful stained glass windows and richly ornamented stone sculptures. But as I'm a sucker for church organs, I couldn't help but being blown away - there are 2 of them in that Cathedral!

After the we continued our walk, and went over the The Old Town Bridge. Then strolled down the streets, and next goal was lunch and refreshments. But before that we had some shopping to do. Gadget freaks as we both are we found a shop which could offer just about everything for silly minds like ours. The young girl behind the counter looked more puzzled for every strange question she got. We left the place with a bag filled of fun stuff.

The weather was absolutely beautiful, and a day like that should be spent as much outdoor as possible. Evidently everybody else in Trondheim thought so too, and the restaurants by the river bank were overcrowded. But as we were in the flow, miraculously a few seats became available when a group left the table next to where we were standing with our drinks. We asked the two oldish ladies at the end if we could sit down. We could, and we started to chat with them. The funniest thing happened then. A man and three women approached our table, and these turned out to be friends with my host here. But the surprising thing is that these ladies at the table turned out to be the mother and aunt of one of the new arrivals! What are the odds?

The afternoon went by in the sunshine, with lots of laughs and giggles. There were plenty to talk about around the table, even without the gimmicks and gizmos from the Bag'O'Fun, but they sure did help. Nice to be a grown-up, so you can act like a child again.


Erica said...

I am SOOOOOO jealous, don't even know where to begin! ;) What a lovely way to spend a day, I felt like I was actually there, a fly on the wall so to speak, watching the day unfold. I hope I will have the opportunity to experience a day like that for myself soon! :)

We've had rather odd weather here, snowing all day. Nothing is really sticking around but wierd, there isn't any spending the day outdoors here today!

Karin said...

Yes, it was a nice day indeed. But a little bit odd as well, I almost felt like I was in another country. Very exotic.

Toril said...

Exotic, in Trondheim?? I think you must have caught a sunstroke or some other kind of stroke during this lovely day. Like Deb, I'm totally jealous! It sounds like a marvelous day, and you certainly deserve it! One of these days I swear I'll be doing the same thing, although I can't come to turns with myself whether I like crowds and noise, or sipping a glass of lovely white wine while listening to the birds chirping and the moving motion stirred up by waves breaking towards the pier ;)

A good book is essential here of course, and I do prefer to have good friends around - at all times.