Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Freud's Boat

Well, we didn't get the boat. Right now I'm not too sure what to think about the whole thing, but if I have understood just a fraction of what I'm supposed to, at my course in Psychoanalysis, I believe the dream I had last night tried to tell me something:
I really can't remember that many details, but suddenly The Boat appeared, and to my astonishment I found out that she actually was driven by nuclear power and radioactive! Dangerous to say the least, and far more complicated to take care of than anyone could have imagined. Neither of us are Atomic Scientists. In this dream lies the possibility of some useful interpretations, but it's too late now. I'd rather go to bed and see if I'll get a "follow-up".

I'll think we'll probably go for more sail and less motor. (Toril, how much do you charge for lessons?) ;) lol

And something completely different: I've made a new "design",
Come visit my second store on CafePress!

1 comment:

Karin said...

You're probably right, and I must tell you that some of my best memories are from sailing with my cousins when I was younger. Especially one night I remember, quiet, except from the sound of waves and the rustle of sail canvas...

And one at a time, that goes for a lot of things really, not only masts.