Thursday, October 27, 2005

What Can I Do With My Education?

I could apply for a job in the EU. Check this link out - I could do what he's doing. No problem.


Karin said...

Thanks. Again. What a day this has been, nothing special really, but then again very good. Nice weather, nice people. The seminar turned out to be one of the more useful we've had so far, and the lecture with Jill later in the afternoon was as always educational and entertaining.

In front of the camera? Oh my, you must be joking, but who am I to tell. David Letterman is successful afterall, in his own quirky way.

Karin said...

Time is not in an endless supply these days, but sooner than I'd like think about the due dates for my essays are coming up, which also means that there will be free time. 1st of December! After that I'll be connected to earth again. Let's talk then, if not before. (But by all means, we can also meet in the cafeteria at uni for a quick chat.)

Karin said...

There are lots of reasons, but first you could have a look at this help page on the Blogger site. I'll be down at uni on tuesday again. The cafeteria around 12? (I have a lecture which should finish then, but it never does! So give me an extra 10 min.)