Thursday, October 06, 2005

Baby on it's way?

I've been flying around a lot lately, in many aspects. (Not in all, mind you!) The most recent trip was just a 24-hour one to have a closer look at the boat we want to buy. I arrived in Trondheim late at night and grabbed a few hours sleep before I picked up my rental car and set off for Frøya. Norway is truly a beautyful country and the 2 1/2 hour drive made wonders for my scattered mind.

So after my personal inspection I made a quick phonecall and we decided to go for it. Perhaps I was a bit naiv, but I thought the deal would be closed that day. But, oh no. I didn't hear anything for the rest of that day, and it was not until this afternoon I've recieved a mail where the seller said they still had to deliberate a bit further. He said he would give me an answer monday evening, at the latest.

It was now I started to think about the process of getting an adopted child. I've heard stories where the parents-to-be actually got pictures of "their" new baby and even travelled across the world to pick him or her up only to learn that the biological mum had changed her mind and kept the child. I'm not at all trying to pretend that buying a "dead" thing like a boat could be compared with having your own children, but as I don't think I'm going to enlarge my family in the nearby future this is in a way my new "baby", and the wait and uncertainty is killing me, so to speak. And just as being a first time mum I'm not at all sure how to take care of this bundle, even though I've been around boats before.

I'm so glad I'm not doing this alone. On the other hand, I wouldn't either.

1 comment:

Karin said...

That is actually just in my line of thinking, 'cause I realized that if we didn't get this one, we'd at least made the decision. As you said, there are lots of them out there...