Tuesday, October 25, 2005

"My Feet Are Killing Me...

...on this Long And Winding Road, walking home from the party early Sunday morning?" I don't know. I just passed these abandoned shoes by car, Sunday afternoon. I really wasn't sure if my eyes only played tricks on me, so I turned the car around, drove back, parked the car and took a closer look. I immediately pictured a variety of possible scenarios, some more intriguing than others, and one even involving calling the police.

I had my Minolta digital camera with me and immortalized the scene. I then walked back to my car and drove back to reality leaving the shoes behind.


Karin said...

I have. But as with everything else I don't have the guts to go for it. To afraid to fail, I guess. I also seem to have some problems with crediting myself for what I do, and I usually consider myself as a sort cheating quasiperson - definitely responsible for bad results, but if things turn out just fine, I can always find exterior explanations for that. But don't worry, I'm not as bad as I used to be, I'm on the road to "recovery". Much thanks to friends like you.

Karin said...

Okay, I can settle for that, it's probably more likely than what another friend of mine predicted saying: "Don't forget to mention me in your thank you speech, when you recieve the Nobel prize!"