Saturday, October 15, 2005

Slow Motion - Fast Forward

Isn't it funny. Here I've been struggling for weeks to muster up some inspiration. Everything have been really slow, kinda sirupy, as I fell behind at uni already from the start due to the moving and all that. Heard anyone say that they work best under pressure? Well, you never heard it from me, but it must be some truth in it, 'cause today round about noon there were no more excuses. Kids away, silence (Almost, except from the neighbour playing music just a little too loud. But at least he put on a CD today instead of that annoying Radio1.), the apartment almost tidy and I was still smiling from the night before when I had a few ladyfriends over for my fabulous fishsoup. I had written only 300 words up til that point, and I was really stuck. Not that I didn't know what to say, I have plenty on my mind, but the problem here was that I simply weren't in the mood for following instructions and keep to the assignment. I have a strong feeling that I probably were some kind of a rebellion in a previous life. A pirate princess, maybe? So I've been sitting here all day, while the sun has been shining continuously outside. Slow, slow, and ever so often ctrl+a, tools, wordcount just to see how I was doing. Much like a kid asking from the backseat "Is it far? Are we there yet?" while you steering the car out from the parking lot. Much to my surprise; at the end of the day I had managed another 1000 words, but I'm not actually sure if that's a good sign, 'cause I haven't started on the interesting stuff yet. I have merely done a sort of resume so far, and now I'm not sure if I can limit myself. (This made me suddenly think of the cake I have in the fridge from yesterday.) So I think that's kinda ironic, that I probably have to follow my own advice that I cheerfully gave away the other day.

1 comment:

Karin said...

No, no, no, it wasn't inspiration at all. Sheer necessity. I don't think I ever have struggled so hard to plot down words. You know, when your writing just half a sentence and then you suddenly HAVE to scratch your head or lock the door 'cause the sun is making disturbing reflexes in the linoleum. But, I made it before the deadline, and that's all that counts. A coffe would be nice, but I'm not going downtown. (I'm going to IKEA to buy me a sofabed, I might be having a guest...) But if you want to, you're most welcome for a coffe in the evening. If not, I'll be down on tuesday again.