Thursday, November 17, 2005


Writing this makes it obvious I'm not totally sticking to my plan of working on the essays days and nights. Not that I don't need to, but I also have to breath a little. Today I went downtown to meet Jill for supervision. As I entered her office I approached her desk and lay my head down:

-Bring the sword mylady, and put me out of my misery! I'm guilty of all charges.

She didn't, she was nice to me as always, blessed queen!

After that I went to the bookstore and ordered a copy of my own of Identity: a reader, a book I'm sure will be a nice companion in times to come. While I wait I can read the one I borrowed from the library.

1 comment:

Karin said...

I noticed that, and I put it like she did: I'm amazed and honored.