Friday, November 04, 2005


Now that's a popular word these days, but I had one today which I thought I'd share.

This morning I decided to go for a long overdue ride on my bike, but I found the bike outside with almost flat tyres. Ok, walking it is, I thought, 'cause I was still determined to move that sluggish body a little. Since I haven't lived here for very long I don't know the area too well, and therefore I just tried to work my way down to the supermarket the best I could (needed more espresso coffee beans). I know there's a path right through the woods but I knew it would be wet and slippery so I didn't dare to go down there. Instead I thought I'd find a road, and also it would be a longer walk. Good exercise, you know. I found a road, but with a dead-end. And another. Finally I was getting somewhere only to find that I had to make a decision. Going down I had almost to risk my life (exaggerating, but still), there was this really steep cliff. If I went up, I would actually be on my way back home again, which made feel a bit guilty for being lazy. My mind debated a little and I started climbing with the excuse that I really didn't have time for anything else but writing anyway.

A few moments later I found this swing hanging from a tree and I felt a strong urge to use it. But was it strong enough? I held on to it and pulled down cautiously to try the weight, then I slipped and was hanging in free air! The swing was holding my weight and I had a go, only a tad anxious to be discovered playing like a child in the woods. After that I continued up, and realized that the swing was just one part of a much larger playground. In front of me was this beautiful playground built with natural material on spot. The revelation was that this place is actually right down my window but I didn't see it from my regular view. Now that I now it's there, I can both see it and use it if I want to...

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