Tuesday, November 22, 2005

High as a kite

This is almost alarming, but I am in a tremendously good mood, in spite of having a deadline on Thurday and then another one the week after that. It feels like I have all the time in the world, and I know I don't. It's not that I don't care, but I believe my essays are just about good enough to pass the censor. (I wonder if I get extra points if I mark the weak spots in red, 'cause I do know where they are...) What's more important to me is that I've learned a lot that won't show on my exam, knowledge that I will bring forward.

So what happened here, then? I mean, last week I was a nervous wreck, who didn't think I could make it even if I sat in front of the computer 24/7. To top it off, it became evident that there had been some miscommunication between my daughter and myself. In an effort (I think) to spare me, 'cause she knew I had a lot to do, I didn't get the note from school which declared that I had to bake 50 nicely decorated gingerbreadhearts and 3 Christmas logs, exquisitely packed and ready for sale. All this I found out on Friday, and the schools fair was on Sunday. Now my study weekend was pretty much lost, there was baking to do, and oops, my daughter had a basketball game on Saturday, had to drive her there - the father was of course not available, and then the actual fair inclusive a 3 hour duty. And you know me, was it good enough to wrap the bloody bread in some foil? Nooo, I had to open up PhotoShop and design some exclusive labels to print out and stick on the bags. They did sell very quickly, though, while the burned one in cheap plastic foil didn't. (Losers...)

It's interesting how I seem to relate everything I do lately to that old freak Freud, just because I've been raeding some of his works this semester, but I realized when I had the choice of fulfilling my obligations to other (my daughter, the school and the fair) or my obligations to myself (and in the end the finances) I rather did the first instead of just take the critisism. They surely wouldn't have put me to jail or anything... I usually twist myself really hard to see that I do what is expected of me, and why? Just so I can say I'm good, and doing the right thing? (And I don't steal other peoples parking lots!)

The reason for my high spirits might be as simple I have recieved a few compliments from various unexpected sources. There's actually written "proof" that I'm wonderful! I wasn't so sure about that, but the more you hear it... Don't give me to much, though, I'll probably end up all too conceited!

1 comment:

Karin said...

Isn't that just typical, last week of the semester and I can finally read the way I'm supposed to. Hopefully I can bring that forward to the next batch of litterature.

Feeling better today? :)

(Just out of curiosity, Toril: how did you find my poem?)