Monday, November 07, 2005

What Will They Tax Next?

I'm currently exploring 43Things as part of one of my assignments. I came across MissOtter and her inspiring goals. I took the liberty of a little cut&paste from one of her entries:

The only thing that the IRS has not yet taxed is the male penis. This is due to the fact that 40% the time it is hanging round unemployed, 30% of the time it is hard up, 20% of the time it is pissed off, and 10% of the time it is in the hole. On top of that, it has two dependents and they are both nuts.

Effective March 1st, 1999, your penis will be taxed according to size. The tax brackets are as follows:

10 – 12” $30.00 Luxury Tax
8 – 10” $25.00 Pole Tax
5 – 8” $15.00 Privilege Tax
4 – 5” $10.00 Nuisance Tax

Males exceeding 12” must file under capital gains. Anyone under 4 inches is eligible for a refund. PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR AN EXTENSION!

IRS are still waiting for answers for the following questions:

* Are there penalties for early withdrawals?
* What if one’s penis is self employed?
* Do multiple partners count as a corporation?
* Are condoms a deductible expense as work clothes?
* Is there an additional tax if you are not circumcised?

Pecker Checker
Internal Revenue Service


Anonymous said...

Damn, it's going to be "hard" to be male in the future, tax on my "dingdong". Well it had too come :D

Karin said...

As envy might be the argument for real taxes too, it's sure a woman who would come up with a tax like this if Freud was right about his"penis envy" theory!

(MSR: I have a little paper due on friday, so I'm pretty sure there won't be that much time for a life before that, but after.... Yeah!!!)

Karin said...

Agree on that one, he did have a lot of quite reasonable theories, but this one clearly wasn't one of them!