Monday, November 21, 2005

Einsteins Wife

It never seizes to amaze me how many things I don't know, that I perhaps should know. Today I read in the paper about Albert Einsteins (first) wife Mileva Maric, and to be honest I have never actually paid any attention to Einstein himself more than what he's most famous for: being a genius responsible for the Theory of Relativity (which made the nuclear bomb possible) and so on. That he in fact was a living man with needs and desires hasn't really struck my mind. But he was. And moreover, he was married too, although not very happily. Considering he would have been diagnozed with Asperger's syndrom according to a recent theory, that last statement is no wonder.

But what about this Mileva then? There are quite a few out there who believe she was very much in on the work with her husbands famous theory, and some say she actually was co-signer on the original paper. Without doubt she was a very intelligent woman, who sacrified her career for taking care of her family. Sound familiar? What I'm about to say now might annoy any hardcore feminists out there, but I'm not so sure we should blame it all on the men. Because I think we women not always need any men to hold us back and push us down. We're so good at doing that ourselves! Without assistance.

We do so many crazy things when we're in love, and one of them is sometimes to adapt far too easily to what we think might be the best for the relationship. What we think, notice that. I must stress that I'm speaking on general terms here, what I described here is obviously not always the case. I'm merely pointing to the fact that it's not easy being a man either. We made it hard for them, since we made the fight for independence and equal rights our fight. Whenever a man is complaining for being treated unfairly (and they do get treated unfairly), we don't want to hear. We seem to have given ourselves the unconditional rights to be the only allowed to complain.

I know I stuck my head into to a beehive here, and I'm not sure I'm ready for it. Maybe I'm not woman enough...


Rodt said...

For some other remarkable, smart women, look at Emily du Chatelet and Hedy Lamarr, and Hypatia.

Incidently, why do you title yourself after the Australian yabby?

I have visited your blog because I use the online name Cherax (someone else pinched Cherax Destructor).

Karin said...

'Cause they taste soo good? Lived for a while in Perth, and I guess I still miss that place a bit. And I also think latin names are "cool".

Rodt said...

Yes, Perth is a nice place. Just returned from there.

I looked up "Cherax":
1) Greek word Charax, meaning a pointed stake - a thing that scratches

2) Greek word cherax or cherasso, each of which refers to the chiseling that is done by a metal engraving

By chance, I have a blog entry about eating Marron (Cherax tenuimanus)