Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Two more days of cramming and that's it, the exam on Friday is coming, whether I'm ready or not. But today actually felt good, much thanks to the friendly and stimulating environment where I'm sitting. I'm lucky enough to know Toril, a master student here at the university, and if I behave well, she'll let me sit in their room. Nice and quiet, and very inspirational; the lunch breaks are marked by extensive collaborative creative thinking, and lots of giggles.

Today was spent reading Laurillard, and I suddenly realized I knew this stuff after all. Absolutely not all of it, but hopefully enough to pass. If I feel as confident tomorrow after attacking "corpus" and "coding" I might pull this one off.

And then I went crazy. I have this wonderful little boutique I love to shop in, but as they don't have any students discount, I don't shop there too often. And then preferably on sale. I spotted these pants in the window and just went inside to ask for the prize. Wasn't surprised when I found out I could get 2 (and a leg) for the same prize at H&M. Sure, not as nice, but still. While I was in the shop, why not browse a little? (Just as I do on the net, when I'm supposed to study...) And there! A skirt! No, wait - a pair of pants? I still don't know what to call it/them, but I'll ask my family what they think. On Sunday, when I'm with them for Christmas dinner.

And that's not the worst part, it/they costed more than the pants in the window and I need new shoes and a top to match...


Anonymous said...

Well, thank you my friend! I'm glad you enjoy the atmosphere in this room - and I do agree - it's very good most of the time!! I also vastly enjoy our extensive collaborative creative thinking (good thinking!)!!

I'm sure your skirt/pants are gorgeous, and I suggest you wear them when we celebrate St.Lucia with philosophers and friends so I can have a peak :) Good luck with the shoes, I believe I could help you recommend a shoe shop or five since I love shopping :) Unfortunately, you'll not find the extensive selection in Bergen that I prefer when I venture out on a shopping expedition, but I do recommend London - my favorite city of shopping, leisure and FUN!!

Karin said...

A trip to London might be fun. Let's bring the kids, for galleries and musicals! I can sit at the pub while you shop with the girls, I guess Thomas and Daniel rather stay with me...

Anonymous said...

Actually, Danny is receiving extensive shopping training from his beautiful girl-friend, so he may be "walking the mile" with the female shoppers, although I know if he has a choice he would definitely stay in the pub with Thomas and swill a Lager or three :) Now what would Karin be ordering? A little whiskey? Some Irish Coffee? A little Samboca shot or five? Or maybe just a Cappuccino while watching happy Englishmen who don't want or need to go shopping?

I have soooo many musicals I would like to see I wouldn't know where to start, and the Galleries and museums..... I think I would chose Tate Gallery first, and then venture across to The National Gallery with Felicity as my personal guide (she's studying History of Art at Oxford University) - that is if I don't run into Erika and we end up going to some fabulous restaurant in the near vicinity of Tate Gallery and Pimlico ;)